Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tai Pi ends the school year on a high note

Yesterday was the last day of school for Tai Pi. She rang me while I was at a function, to tell me that she had exciting news. She was named "Pupil of the Month" for October! Every month, one student in the class gets named "Pupil of the Month" (I think it might have something to do with good behaviour) and receives a laminated "Pupil of the Month" certificate. Tai Pi was absolutely thrilled! The next piece of exciting news - she is being put into the "sports class" next year! At Tai Pi's school, children identified to have sporting talent are put in the same class. I remember the School Principal mentioning this before but I'm not sure how it works. Tai Pi says that the class gets to play different sports and they get to have PE everyday. I think Tai Pi will have a lot of fun and more importantly, this as well as being named "Pupil of the Month" makes Tai Pi feel really special and can only be good for her self-esteem.

Oh and her exam results are out - Band 2 for English, Band 3 for Chinese and Math. We'll just have to try harder next year.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Tai Pi must be really good! You got a promising daughter!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fuzzoo,
Your post is a good reminder to me to focus on the right things. I've been a little sad about my son's not-so-stellar exam performance but, like your daughter, he has scored some non-academic points this year too. Yup, there's more to life than marks.

Anyway, getting into the sports class sounds really impressive!

Anonymous said...

No matter what bands (or marks) she's got for all her subjects,it's unimportant. As Tai Pi's great grandfather would say (if he's still alive, i.e) ,"They're just numbers."
Good that she's happy with her award and also being placed in the sports class. Go for it, Tai Pi!!!

fuzzoo said...

We were disappointed with her exam results especially since she had said the papers were easy so we thought maybe she would do well this time. But I'm not surprised since she really didn't put in much effort and I've been just as bad, taking turns with her playing computer games instead of revising for the exams. Anyway I feel that character building and positive self-esteem are more important than grades and I think Tai Pi is turning out quite well in that respect.

Anonymous said...

Wow! P.E. lessons everyday? That's a dream come true! As a former P.E. specialist teacher, I would vote for every child to have P.E. everyday. Afterall, exercise is the key to a healthy mind. Tai Pi's grades will improve as a result. Research shows that if you stand up and do your work, you'd think better than if you were sitting down. It's true!!