Friday, January 16, 2009

Big sister

When Pumpkin was born, Tai Pi was barely 2 years old but already Mummy's little helper, making sure that there was always disposable diapers in the cot pockets, pointing out the spots we missed when bathing the baby, and running to tell us that baby's crying (although the cries could be heard throughout the house and beyond).

It seems Tai Pi has quite a maternal streak and enjoys taking care of her sisters.   Pumpkin is not so little now (in fact, she is now physically bigger than Tai Pi!) so Tai Pi's mostly busy with Sai Pi.  Whenever Sai Pi falls asleep on the bus (which is everytime!), Tai Pi is there to wake her up and to carry her home.

Piggy-back (I think the haversack acts as a kind of counterweight)

Yesterday Sai Pi wanted to learn to rollerblade so who better to teach her than Tai Pi who could skate the first time she put on rollerblades.  Under Big Sister's guidance, Sai Pi was able to move a little distance and should be blading in no time.  Well done Sai Pi and thank you Big Sister!

Come to Big Sister

You're doing great


Safe in the arms of Big Sister

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