Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Birthday card

Last night, Pumpkin slaved over a birthday card for one of her classmates. She wrote "Happy Birthday", she drew a birthday party scene with a birthday cake and children with party hats on and she used different colour markers to colour the picture. We put the card into a party bag together with some sweets and a little toy. And then what happens? When she gave the boy the party bag today, he was very happy with the toy but didn't want the birthday card and gave it back to her.

In the car on the way home, Tai Pi discovered the card and said, "Hey, you forgot to give him the card!"
Pumpkin said sheepishly, "He didn't want it."

He doesn't want it, fine! I'll give this lovely card a permanent home on my blog.


FBT said...

At our son's recent birthday party there were kids who were asking outright for their party bags - which we do not give on principle. A lot of kids today are (1) very consumerist; (2) not taught any manners. I think it's a beautiful card.

Anonymous said...

Aw - poor Tai Pi! That boy must have thought she left her 'rubbish' in there by mistake. But it sounds like you're the one who's upset, mummy.

sesame said...

What a realistic boy! Want present only. Aiyah...but better for Tai Pi to take it back and keep it than for him to throw it away at home.

Anonymous said...

Aww, man! It's a very lovely card. Silly boy, he'll be soooo sorry when he grows up and knows girls. Ha ha.. No love lost there.

fuzzoo said...

I don't think the boy meant to be insensitive. He was probably thinking he'll just take what he likes and let Pumpkin keep what he doesn't want. This just reminds me that i should teach the girls some birthday party manners (besides don't blow out the candles if it's not your birthday!) No lah, I was not upset, just sad for Pumpkin. And she didn't seem upset either; she was more embarrassed than anything else.