Monday, November 28, 2005

All together now - Heeyah!

Yesterday, after a week of psycho-ing, Punpkin was eager to give Tae Kwon Do a try. She enjoyed it very much and now the 2 girls together with their friends will spend their Sunday mornings kicking and punching and shouting "heeyah!'. Pumpkin needs to work on her high kicks (she fell on her bum while trying to execute a kick) but her "heeyah" is easily the loudest in the class.

The girls and I have started playing a new game - a frog hunt, where I hide 12 little frogs and they have to go look for them using a list of clues. Tai Pi enjoys it very much and makes us play over and over again.

And a new game I've been playing which gave the girls the creeps at first is this online game where you are trapped in a room and you try to get out with the help of a series of clues. I still have not figured it out. Give it a go and if you do manage to crack it, drop me a hint. Try the game "Crimson Room" at

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