Sunday, August 22, 2010

The role of TV in career planning

Couple of days back, I was walking Sai Pi to school for ballet class and we were having a conversation about TV programmes. She said she thought Dora the Explorer was a good programme for very young children because they could learn something from it, but it was too childish for "older" children aged 5-7 like herself. So I asked her what TV programme she considered appropriate for children aged 5-7.

Sai Pi: "Totally Spies is good for children 5 to 7 years old because they don't have a dream so when they watch Totally Spies maybe they will think they want to be a spy. If not they will become nuns and nuns are not very interesting because they don't really have anything to do." LOL

oooh spies are so totally cool!!!

"Oh I'm so bored. I don't really have anything to do."

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