Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What a girl wants

The girls brought home their report books today. Needless to say, they were not a pretty sight. I looked at Pumpkin's report card and tried to focus on the good points. "Oh look. You have so many As - A for Music, Art & Craft, Social Studies, Moral Education...." Nevermind the band 3 for English and Math and band 2 for Chinese.

Tai Pi's grades were no better and as I searched for some bright spots, I found this comment written by her teacher - "...keen learner who knows what she wants." My Tai Pi knows what she wants?!

I turned to Tai Pi : Your teacher says you know what you want. Really? So what do you want?

Tai Pi : Yes, I know what I want. I want a Gameboy, a X-Box 360, a Wii......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aha, IT age children... Guess many of us have to consider when and whether to open the floodgates by buying these gadgets.

If she 'knows what she wants' and has a mind of her own, that's good, isn't it?