Monday, November 26, 2007

Excuse me are you a model?

There was a feature in the weekend papers that piqued my interest and I'm sure that of many parents. It was an article about child models and how they can make up to $3000 per assignment. Even average-looking kids can be models, it said. Wah, $3000 per assignment... [drool drool]... Actually such articles have appeared in the papers and magazines in the past and each time I would consider getting the girls to model and earn some money. But I never got round to sending their pictures in and also I would be thinking what are their chances?

I asked the girls if they would be interested to model and earn some dough. Tai Pi was not keen but Pumpkin and Sai Pi on the other hand started strutting their stuff. Awkward poses and exaggerated facial expressions aside, maybe they stand a chance, especially Pumpkin with her father's strong cheekbones. See these recent pictures taken with my MacBook.


Anonymous said...

I saw that article. Before I had my child, I did think of this "career" for him, hoping to be a star mum. Haha...but of course it's a different story now. I think it's not an easy job.

Anonymous said...

I've thought about it too. Then again, only a full-time mother would be able to ferry the kids around for photo shoots. Each session would take about six hours. Don't think I have that kind of patience. :)

Victor said...

Yes, I think Pumpkin wins Miss Photogenic award. Now, if only Sai Pi could stop the sulking poses in the photos, she could win the Miss Mamegoma award. Finally, Tai Pi deserves the Miss Personality award. Have I left out anyone? Oh ya, mummy wins the Miss Best Mummy award.

I believe it takes a lot of love, effort and dedication on your part to homeschool your 3 darlings. It is definitely not an easy decision for any parent to make. I am glad that you have found the experience very fulfilling. You have done very well - give yourself a pat on the back.

Judging from her photo, I believe Tai Pi will be reaching the age to take PSLE soon. Will she be taking the PSLE? What will happen after that? Can homeschooling continue into secondary school?