Saturday, February 25, 2006

Kids say the darnest things

Last Saturday, I flew to KL for work. When I got home that night, Tai Pi showed me a story she had written for me. It was titled "Mummy the Exsporer". She wrote "One Saturday morning, Mummy was on a field trip to Kl. Mummy had to take an aroplane, because she could not drive a car. So she had to take an aroplane." Well, she is right... I don't have a driver's license.

My 3-year-old niece gave this valuable advice to her newly licensed-to-drive Mummy - "do not drive into another car." Kids really do say the darnest things!


Anonymous said...

Your daughter is so sweet! Making you this nice card for a field trip. Hope my son will be like that next time.

fuzzoo said...

She enjoys writing stories and leaving little notes for her Daddy and me which is great because it is one way for her to express her feelings - she also writes to me when she is upset with me over something.

Anonymous said...

I love Tai Pi's drawing. She is definitely on her way to becoming a great writer.